Getting Started
- ZIP File Guide
- Decorator 5 for CMS sites
- HTML Tips
Follow these guidelines for the best results using HTML with Decorator 5.
Decorator 5 is designed to do the styling so you don't have to.
Excessive use of in-line and/ or in-page styling adds a great deal of maintenance overhead especially for migrating from one design to another.
Font tags are not valid HTML. Our goal is to remove them from all content pages.
Tables are meant to markup tabular data, like a spreadsheet. Using tables for layout quickly becomes a maintenance nightmare, and has serious accessibility implications.
The following recommendations are not required for validation or accessibility reasons, but do help make the content of the page have better structure and semantics:
When the visual effect of bolding is used, 99% of the time it is used to draw the eye to the text, not because it is semantically/ grammatically bolded text. Instead, use the strong
element. It will have the same visual effect and be semantically correct.
<p>Summer camp was <strong>awesome</strong>!</p>
<p>Summer camp was <b>awesome</b>!</p>
When the visual effect of italics is used, 99% of the time it is used to add emphasis to the text, not because it is semantically/ grammatically italicized (i.e. book titles should be italicized). Instead, use the em
element. It will have the same visual effect and be semantically correct.
<p>Students should <em>never</em> skip class.</p>
<p>Students should <i>never</i> skip class.</p>
If you absolutely must have additional white space, use in-line styling (but we don't recommend it).
<p>This is a paragraph.</p><p style="margin-top:20px;">This is a paragraph far below.</p>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p><br /><p>This is a paragraph far below.</p>
<p>Joe and Jill Jackson<br /> 123 Main Street<br /> Anytown, KS 12345 </p>
<blockquote><p>"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices."</p><p class="cwp-source">Katherine Mansfield<br />New Zealand short story author (1888 - 1923)</p></blockquote>
Below are some helpful proactive tips that can help you avoid getting validation errors:
Use "id=" instead of "a name=" for in-page anchors.
<p><a href="#dogs">Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a>.</p><h4 id="dogs">Dogs</h4><p>Dogs are neat</p>
<p><a href="#dogs">Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a>.</p><h4><a name="dogs"></a>Dogs</h4><p>Dogs are neat</p>
<p><a href="#dogs">Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a>.</p><h4 id="dogs">Dogs</h4><p>Dogs are neat</p>
<p><a href='#dogs'>Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a>.</p>
<p>Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs.</p><p>Dogs are neat.</p>
Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs.<p>Dogs are neat.<p>
All HTML should be written using lower-case letters. This applies to both tags and attributes.
<p><a href="#dogs">Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a></p><h4 id="dogs">Dogs</h4><p>Dogs are neat</p>
<P><a HREF="#dogs">Jump to the part of this page that talks about dogs</a></P><h4 id="DOGS">Dogs</h4><p>Dogs are neat</p>